Monday, October 21, 2013

Twenty Six for Twenty Six (Here's How to Join Me in My Run for Hope)

So much has happened since that first run after I felt God telling me to train for a 1/2 marathon.  I can see His plan in pushing me because He knew I wouldn't follow through if it was just my idea! As I've been through the ups and downs of training, I have seen God's faithfulness through so many ways.  He gave me the strength when I felt like quitting and He put people in my life to encourage me to keep going.  Part of the reason I have posted my runs on Facebook was not only to inspire others that they could do it, too, but also to keep myself accountable, to keep going.   I mentioned my fear of failure before....  Well, God has been slowly weeding that out of my heart.  I have experienced so much freedom, that I have actually been able to enjoy running. 

After completing my 1/2 marathon in April, I felt like I wanted to aim for a marathon before I hit 40.  I told Marshall this, so he promptly started planning our training schedule and looking for the right marathon.  As I have been training for the marathon, I have experienced how selfish the running world can be.   I am not insinuating that it is bad to have goals for fitness, like improving your distance or speed.   But, if we are not careful, running can be very time consuming.  It can become addictive, consuming your thoughts and plans, which ultimately is selfish.  So I have confessed my selfishness many times and have asked God to show me how He can use my running to honor Him.  As I have thought and prayed about this I have felt a nudge in my Spirit to run for a cause.

I have been thinking on this and praying about it for a while.  Since tomorrow will be 26 days before my scheduled marathon, I thought it would be appropriate to bring forth a challenge.  I named this blog: running with hope for a specific reason.  Obviously, running has personally given me hope, but I would love for it to give hope to others.

There is a school called Hope Academy.  It was started last June for kids 5th-8th grade, who didn't have much hope in life.  The school is a private Christian school, so it receives no government funding.  Our belief is that these kids need to experience hope in Christ before they can even succeed in academics and life.  I have been so blessed to see this school being formed--it's been miracle after miracle that has brought it to existence and that keeps it running!  Kids and their families are being changed by the gospel!  Hope Academy has become a light in a dark place.  Will you become a part of this miracle?  Ultimately, I'm asking that you partner in prayer for the school over the next 26 days.  It will take you less than five minutes of your time, but will have an eternal impact!  If you feel called to do so, would you consider giving $26 to the school, in honor of this blog and my marathon?  It would be a huge gift to me, as well as to the school.  I am going to get my kids involved in doing this with me.  I will have them put $1 each day into an empty glass jar and we will watch it fill up, as we also remember to pray for Hope Academy and what is happening there!

My prayer as that you will be blessed as you pray for Hope Academy.... That you may also be inspired to seek God in how to use your gifts and talents for His Kingdom! 


  1. Thanks for sharing Diane. I'm cheering for you! So proud of how far you've come.


  2. Amazing to see how you turned running into something powerful. Glad you follow God's call to do this. I'm pretty sure your example will impact many lives.

