Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 10: One Foot in Front of the Other.....

People often tell me that they are inspired by my running.  This is the only reason I even post about it, so I am thankful that it helps.  I not only want to inspire, but I would also love to activate that inspiration!  Here's why:  Over the course of this past year God has used running in my life for multiple reasons.  It has given me hope in both the spiritual and physical realms.  I have struggled with fatigue for as long as I can remember.  In my adult life I have been on and off different medications for anxiety and depression; most recently I discovered I have ADD, so I've been taking medication for that.  Several years ago I had to change my diet drastically because of intestinal issues, so I now struggle with IBS.  These are enough factors to give the excuse that I can't run!  But when I felt God calling me to train for a 1/2 marathon, I felt obligated to overcome those fears that I couldn't run, with His help, of course. 

Now, to be sure, I did not start out with 10 miles.  It took almost 8 weeks of running 3 miles about 4-5 times a week before I felt like I was getting somewhere.  I was constantly sore.....This took a lot of perseverance.  Even since then, I would say that I still feel fatigued, but it's different.  It took the consistent building to help me feel stronger physically.  It took persistence and endurance.  There were days I would rather have taken a nap, but I pushed myself to do it.  I ran through rain, snow, sleet and ice.  What made me keep going?.....hope

I hoped that this would help me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It has!!!  I have not struggled with depression or anxiety to the degree I had before.  One of my friends calls running her Zanex.  I would have to agree with that!  I think clearer, my emotions are more stable and!    

Now I see why Paul uses running as a spiritual metaphor several different times throughout his epistles.  Running takes takes takes perseverance.  Paul encourages us to run hard,  focused on the prize....the finish.  We have to make the effort to run this spiritual race.  It does me no good to get my running gear on and then sit down on the couch and take a nap.   I have to get out and set one foot in front of the other.  In the same way, we not only have to make the effort to sit down with the Lord and His word, but we have to apply with step in front of the other. 

We can't expect to jump into the middle of this spiritual race without training, as a one time deal.  It takes daily training....spending time in prayer and in His word, in order for us to run this race with confidence.  Sometimes we will put forth the effort and try to put the word into practice, but we're not feeling it....Take heart, my friend!  Even though you may not "feel" the transformation, but instead feel worse in the moment, God is building you up....slowly, but surely.  Remember how I said earlier that the first couple of months I was sore every day?  It's the same spiritually....God is reshaping our "muscles" as we continue to persevere and put forth our effort and practice in growing in Him.  We can't see the progress because we are deep in the middle of it.  We need this training, it's essential and beneficial.

There have been a few times when, because of a busy schedule or sickness, I haven't been able to run for a few days...the longest has been a week.  I will tell you....I notice a difference in my physical and mental well-being when this lapse occurs.  I realize, then, how much running does help!  The longer the lapse, the more anxious I get and the more tired....hmmm, interesting isn't it?  It's the same spiritually.  The longer the time lapses between us and time with the Lord, the more miserable and anxious we feel.  That's when we start to become more tired spiritually and are easily desensitized by the world.    So, be careful....don't let that happen.  Paul encourages us to keep our eyes on the prize (the living hope of Jesus Christ).  He will keep us in this race....He will carry us, if He needs to....All we need to do is just show up, ready to put one foot in front of the other....will you?

*Along this thread, pray for the students at Hope Academy, that they would not only hear the truths from chapel and classes, but that they would "run" in them...putting one foot in front of the other
*pray for the staff, that they would continue to persevere in this race, focused on the prize: the living hope in Christ.  Pray that they would be encouraged and see the truth, that they've sown in these young hearts come to fruition!        

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 8: Counted up the Cost (part 2)

A sweet friend made me a compilation CD with Rend Collective Experiment for my birthday.  A lot of their songs have truly touched me, you should check them out.  One song in particular hit me because I shared about it on Day 4: counting the cost.  I talked about how it is costly to follow Jesus.  If you read about the New Testament church in Acts, you can clearly see that they were persecuted severely for their faith.  It still happens!  I knew some Africans, as I grew up there, that were beaten and disowned from their families for their faith in Jesus.  So why do people do it?.......  It's because they experience God's true love for them.  Physical pain and suffering loss does not even compare to the boundless love that they know they have in Christ.  What is so great about this is that the enemy can take everything from us, but God's love....NOTHING can separate from the love of God! (Romans 8:38-39) 

With this in mind, think about the students at Hope Academy.  They face a lot of different types of persecution for their faith.  Many of them find it hard to stand firm in their faith.  They know what's right, but the truth doesn't seem cool or it becomes clouded and desensitized as they are at home or in their community.  Some of their peers are in gangs or people close to them either suffer from drug or alcohol addiction and/or sell drugs.  Promiscuity is widely practiced and acceptable within their environment, so it becomes a very clouded issue for these kids.  To follow Jesus means to say "NO" to all of these things, and it's hard.  It's uncomfortable, not what they know or see around them.  They could easily be rejected and ridiculed.  Therefore, it's costly for them to follow Jesus! 

*pray for the students that graduated from Hope Academy last year and are in High School now.
pray that they would be strengthened in their faith and would encounter other students and staff at their schools that would encourage them in that way!
*pray for those students who left Hope Academy last year or didn't come back this year, for different reasons.  Pray that they would continue to encounter Jesus even within the tough environments they're living in!
*pray for the students who have committed their lives to Jesus to take it seriously.  That they would impact their families and community with the truth of the gospel, as they stand strong in their faith.
*Lastly, please pray for a group of High School students who have been a part of our tutoring program for a number of years, but are making some bad decisions.  Pray that the Lord would do what it takes to get their attention--to show them that they are hurting themselves and others by their choices!  But more than that.....that they would experience God's love and grace in a way that would set them on fire!

Thank you for praying!!!

Watch this video about churches all over the world, counting the cost for Jesus.  Ask God to show you things that you might need to give up for His sake and His glory! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 7: A Living Hope

There are times during some of my runs that I feel so discouraged.  Like yesterday.  The marathon is a few weeks away, so I was trying to get in one more longer run-13 to 15 miles.  I held that goal loosely because I went into the run already tired.   Three or four miles in my toes started to go numb.  I had started listening to sermons during my longer runs, which helps keep my mind from obsessing over how long I've run, how much longer I have to go, and what parts of my body are aching to stop.  It sounds miserable, I know.  Not all of my runs are like this, which is why I continue to run.  But six miles in, the balls of my feet were already sore and my toes were prickly and painful to step on.  I started to feel really discouraged, thinking: I'm not even 1/4 of the way into a marathon, how in the world am I going to be able to run 26 miles???

I tried to pray, I tried to focus on the beauty around me as I ran, but I still felt discouraged.  As all of this was happening, I was listening to Tim Keller's sermon on a "Living Hope" from 1 Peter 1:3-9.  Peter talks about how "God, the Father has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Christ from the dead." (verse 3).  Tim Keller reflected on the fact that a lot of believers don't experience this "living hope" because we spend our time putting hope in other things.  Putting our hope in anything other that Christ, will eventually lead us down the path to anxiousness (meaning: without peace) and eventually despair.  Why?  Because those things will eventually disappoint us or fail us, ultimately letting us down.     

What is this living hope?  I'll tell you what it is NOT--our circumstances, wealth, being in control, our good deeds, jobs, significant others, family, friends, children, exercise, sports, heroes, even heroes of the faith, church, just to name a few.  Putting our hope in anything other than Christ Himself, will eventually lead us down a dark road to hopelessness.  Jesus left His glory in heaven and humbled Himself to become human.  He lived the human life without sin, but yet experienced every temptation, hardship and struggle that we will ever experience.  Then He died the death we should have died, separating Himself from the Father, in our place.  The Father then raised Christ from death and seated Him beside the Father in heaven.  This, alone, is the reason that we have hope.  It's the living hope, the resurrected and ascended Christ, us sharing in His inheritance.  All we have to do is just believe on Him....put our hope in Him. 

This living hope is the reason that Paul and Silas, although beaten close to death and imprisoned could rejoice, singing hymns and songs of praise to God in the midst of their suffering.   It's why Horatio G. Spafford could pen the hymn, "It is Well With My Soul" even after he learned of his four daughters drowning on their trip across the ocean to England.  Whatever our circumstances and suffering, we can be at peace because of this "new birth into the living hope." 

I was putting my hope in my body or the ability to finish my run.  This only left me anxious, until I realized what I was doing and repented, asking Christ to be my hope.  My body didn't feel any better, but my heart was at peace, drawing my strength from my Savior. 

Please pray that the students at Hope Academy would begin to understand their need to hope in Christ.  Having good grades and getting into a good High School or College are great goals, but even these will leave them empty because at some point they will fail or lose heart.  But if they can start putting their hope in Christ....Wow!!!  I believe that God is doing and has plans for big things for these students!  Many lives will be changed through their encounters with our Living Hope! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 4: Counting the Cost

Last night in our Community Group we studied the passage in Mark 8:27-38 where Jesus asks the disciples who people say that He is.   They all give various answers, then Jesus asks the disciples who they think He is.  Peter immediately responds that He is the Messiah.  Then Jesus began telling them about the great suffering He would experience.  To which Peter rebukes Christ for speaking of such things.  Jesus immediately turns the rebuke back on Peter by saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

Many of us would ridicule Peter for such a response, but we also know the end of the story.   The people of Israel were looking for their Messiah and had been for hundreds of years.  They were looking for someone like King David, their "knight in shining armor" to swoop in and save them from the Romans.  Someone who would fight courageously, conquering their enemies and then making things right for them.  They were not expecting their Messiah to come to die, even though the prophets all pointed to this.  What Jesus was talking about made Peter uncomfortable...the disciples didn't understand God's mysterious plan, even though Jesus spoke so clearly about it. 

After rebuking Peter, Jesus goes on to explain to the disciples that "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."  We don't fully understand what it means to take up our cross.  The cross was the form of capital punishment back in those days.  It was designated for the worst criminals.  Therefore, it was the most painful, torturous death that any human could suffer.  So what does Jesus mean by "take up your cross"?  It sure doesn't sound convenient or easy.  Neither does denying ourselves.  We are just like the disciples...we have in mind human concerns rather than the concerns of God.  We make decisions based on what will be most comfortable for us.  We spend time and money to make life convenient and easy.  In the midst of doing this, we end up focusing more on ourselves than the things of God.

Following Jesus is not rainbows and fluffy clouds.  It's costly.  Sometimes it means we have to break-off relationships that are harmful and lead us astray....forgive someone who really wronged us...give up a someone who is difficult to love....put others before ourselves...give up our dream house....leave a job for ethical reasons....suffer physical rejected by friends or family because of our faith in God.   But we do have a merciful Savior, who went through the most painful suffering: He was rejected....betrayed, beaten and spit upon.  He descended into hell and experienced the most painful separation from His Father.....all for us.  So that we might be able to have an intimate relationship with His Father, too.  God's concerns include us knowing Him more intimately, no matter the comfort level or convenience.  He knows that suffering for His sake is worth the eternal glory and joy that we get to experience starting on this side of heaven. 

Pray this weekend that the students at Hope Academy would want to know this Savior.  Pray that their hearts would be open to His love and they would believe the Truth they have heard at School.  Pray that they would want to live this costly life....

Thank you to those of you who have given to Hope Academy!!  You have really blessed me, as well!  Here is the link for anyone who is unsure of how to give.  Again, my challenge is $26 for each mile I'm running in my marathon!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 3: Weary

Sometimes I get out to run and I want to lay down on the side of the road and take a nap within the first 5 minutes.   Usually this can last up to a mile or three, then I finally get into a groove.  But some days,  like yesterday, it lasts until I stop.  I hate that feeling.  It felt like this was the first time I'd ever been running.  I tried to enjoy the scenery, which took my mind off of my weary body, a little. 

I remembered to pray.  I remembered that God had started me on this journey....I remembered how faithful He has been along the way and how much I have learned through persevering.  I have grown stronger as a runner, pushing through those days when I'm not "feeling it."  Committing the run to Him and asking that He use it to strengthen me.  There is a reason why Paul compares running a race to this current life.  There are times when we just want to curl up and take a nap, right?  Sometimes we just want to give up....we feel so broken.  But God, through His generosity and great mercy is there to carry us through those times.  He may not change our circumstances, but be sure that He is changing us!  As we become more dependent on Him, He is able to strengthen us.  He only asks for our small amount of faith...and a little effort. 

Working with middle schoolers can bring weariness!  Pushing kids and their families toward Christ requires even more strength and faith.  The staff at Hope Academy face spiritual battles on a regular basis.  As they run this tough race, pray that they would be strengthened in the Lord and in His power.  Pray Ephesians 1:17-19 for them:

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you (Hope Academy Staff) the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.  I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the HOPE to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. 



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 2: What is Your Hope In?

Yesterday was a pretty frustrating day for me.  I felt hopeless, ironically....after sharing with you about some huge answers to prayer for Hope Academy.  I went through my day experiencing disappointment after disappointment.  I really was just disappointed with myself.  It seemed like I was always behind, even though I tried so hard to be on top of it.  For those of you who know me well, this has been the story of my life.  I started out late because I couldn't figure how to download the newsletter onto my blog, so I felt dumb.  Then I was late to several I felt anxious about disappointing the people I was meeting.  Then, as I was picking up the kids from school, I was complaining to one of my friends about figuring out what to make for dinner and if we just didn't have to eat, that would relieve half of my which my daughter (the one who is the opposite of me in so many ways)  says, "well if you planned a menu, then it wouldn't be as stressful because you would have a plan for what you're going to make that day...."  I know that what she said is would be easier, but planning does not come naturally for me, nor is it easy for me.  So I was hurt and frustrated with myself about that...then, as kids are loaded in the car and I'm backing out to leave the school playground, I backed into a wooden post (I have no idea why these posts are necessary???), denting the bumper of our "new" car.  Oh, I hated myself then....Grrrrr

Then later, at home, while I was fixing dinner, a dear friend sent me a text that was so simple, but the Spirit used it to focus me back.  It just said: "Hope. Praying you know the hope..and for the kids to know it to."  She was referring to the kids at Hope Academy.  The Spirit convicted me that I had been putting my hope in myself all day: to get it right, to not disappoint, to get to places on time, to be a better planner, to get myself together.... The Spirit brought me back to the truth in Psalm 131.  Those 3 short verses talk about not being prideful (feeling bad about yourself is prideful, by the way, because we are focused on ourselves), and not concerning ourselves with great matters, but instead, calming oneself and quieting one's a weaned child, I am content.   Putting my hope in myself to get things right just left me miserable.  God was calling me to put my hope in Him, to be "enlightened to know the hope to which He is calling me..." (Eph. 1:18).   Like a weaned child still needs its mother to feed him, but is content, trusting that it will be taken care of, so I can be content, hoping in the Lord to give me what I need and direct me in what He has for me to do....Living in the hope that He can use me the way that I am....the way He knit me together, in His image.  Trust...hope...contentment

What are you putting your hope in?  If you find yourself angry, anxious or discontent, then your hope is not in the Lord!  Sometimes it's a minute by minute decision to put our hope in God.  Look to His truth, His promises about who He says He is and what He says He's going to do. 

Pray for the students of Hope Academy to find this hope in the Lord.  Not all of them have accepted Christ.  Pray that the seeds of hope would be planted deep in their soul, that the soil would be rich, that these seeds would grow and the roots would go deep! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 1: Twenty Six for Twenty Six (How to Join Me in My Run for Hope)

Here is the idea behind my run for Hope, and here is how you can participate with me.

Also, I want to pass along to you some prayer requests for Hope Academy for today's challenge.  Thank you to those who have responded already!  God is so good!  Hopefully with my lack of technology skills I can successfully load the update letter that I received from the Executive Director of Glenwood Family Ministries, which is the non-profit that Hope Academy is a part of.  This letter says it all about the reason Hope Academy change lives!  This boy that she talks about has been prayed for and prayed for and prayed for!!!  As I read the letter she sent me over email, I was overjoyed and shouted out loud in my living room.

*Please continue to pray for him and his brother, that they would grow in the Lord and have a hunger for the things of God.
*Pray for all the kids at Hope that have received Christ, that their hearts would be strengthened, that they would stand firm in their faith. You remember middle school and how hard it was???'s even harder now, I'm afraid.  That's why we are to pray for and disciple the young ones in Christ.  

Here is the letter that you need to read.  I hope that it will encourage you and inspire you today.  God is at work, His light is shining in dark places!  Pray on......

Here's the letter in text form: (minus the picture, sorry....)

Praise God for Answered Prayers
There have been many answered prayers and
miracles surrounding Hope Academy.   
However, this answered prayer is one of the
best!   We have learned that when the spiritual
warfare becomes most intense, there is a
breakthrough close at hand.    The last two
weeks have been especially difficult and many
of us were feeling very
discouraged.   Then, last
Wednesday night, the
answer came.  So many
have been praying for
one particular student.  
He is one of our most
difficult students.   He is
incredibly smart and has
an amazing future in
front of him, if he
chooses it.
However, he was angry and incredibly rebellious.    He was only back this year on a probation
basis because he has so much potential and we didn’t want to give up on him.    By the end of the
grading period, we were going to make the decision about whether he could stay.   He had a
week left, things were not looking good and we were heartbroken.   Then, Thursday morning he
came to school.    Between classes, he gathered a couple of his teachers together and through
tears, shared with them that he had accepted Christ the night before.   He was so tender and so
sincere that the teachers were crying as well.    One of the teachers called him Brother and he
smiled from ear to ear.     At this point, he seems to be a totally changed young man.
On Friday morning, after breakfast, Mr. Zimmerman called him up front along with the teachers to
lay hands on him and pray for him.    Mr. Z then asked if any of the students wanted to pray for
him as well.    As you can see in the photo, they swarmed up front to pray over him.   Know who
the first student was to step forward to pray for him?    His older brother who accepted Christ three

weeks ago.

 Prayer Requests
This week, October 21-24, we are doing our fall standardized testing. 
• Please pray that the students would do well and take it seriously.    This test will help us know where
their strengths and weaknesses are and how to best help them the rest of the year.
• As a reward for this grading period, we were gifted 50 tickets to the UNC football game in Chapel Hill
on Saturday.    Please pray for safety and inspiration as we take many students for their first visit to a

college campus.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Twenty Six for Twenty Six (Here's How to Join Me in My Run for Hope)

So much has happened since that first run after I felt God telling me to train for a 1/2 marathon.  I can see His plan in pushing me because He knew I wouldn't follow through if it was just my idea! As I've been through the ups and downs of training, I have seen God's faithfulness through so many ways.  He gave me the strength when I felt like quitting and He put people in my life to encourage me to keep going.  Part of the reason I have posted my runs on Facebook was not only to inspire others that they could do it, too, but also to keep myself accountable, to keep going.   I mentioned my fear of failure before....  Well, God has been slowly weeding that out of my heart.  I have experienced so much freedom, that I have actually been able to enjoy running. 

After completing my 1/2 marathon in April, I felt like I wanted to aim for a marathon before I hit 40.  I told Marshall this, so he promptly started planning our training schedule and looking for the right marathon.  As I have been training for the marathon, I have experienced how selfish the running world can be.   I am not insinuating that it is bad to have goals for fitness, like improving your distance or speed.   But, if we are not careful, running can be very time consuming.  It can become addictive, consuming your thoughts and plans, which ultimately is selfish.  So I have confessed my selfishness many times and have asked God to show me how He can use my running to honor Him.  As I have thought and prayed about this I have felt a nudge in my Spirit to run for a cause.

I have been thinking on this and praying about it for a while.  Since tomorrow will be 26 days before my scheduled marathon, I thought it would be appropriate to bring forth a challenge.  I named this blog: running with hope for a specific reason.  Obviously, running has personally given me hope, but I would love for it to give hope to others.

There is a school called Hope Academy.  It was started last June for kids 5th-8th grade, who didn't have much hope in life.  The school is a private Christian school, so it receives no government funding.  Our belief is that these kids need to experience hope in Christ before they can even succeed in academics and life.  I have been so blessed to see this school being formed--it's been miracle after miracle that has brought it to existence and that keeps it running!  Kids and their families are being changed by the gospel!  Hope Academy has become a light in a dark place.  Will you become a part of this miracle?  Ultimately, I'm asking that you partner in prayer for the school over the next 26 days.  It will take you less than five minutes of your time, but will have an eternal impact!  If you feel called to do so, would you consider giving $26 to the school, in honor of this blog and my marathon?  It would be a huge gift to me, as well as to the school.  I am going to get my kids involved in doing this with me.  I will have them put $1 each day into an empty glass jar and we will watch it fill up, as we also remember to pray for Hope Academy and what is happening there!

My prayer as that you will be blessed as you pray for Hope Academy.... That you may also be inspired to seek God in how to use your gifts and talents for His Kingdom! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Just the Beginning....

It was the middle of December, 2012. I had just finished having coffee with a friend.  When asked how I was doing, my response was this:  it's a discouraging time: cold, dreary winter months, struggling with fatigue, depression and anxiety, IBS.....the same 'ol issues.  I struggled to even admit all of this, again, because: shouldn't I be "past" all this? if I would just believe enough, spend enough time with God, exercise enough, pray enough?? For goodness sakes, I'm a pastor's wife....aren't we supposed to have "it" all together?  I know these are ridiculous statements because none of us have "it" all together....whatever "it" is, anyway.  But, for some reason I sometimes still hold myself under this impossible standard. 

After my friend left, I stayed at the coffee shop, thinking about my life and some of the issues we had talked about.  I asked God, "why?" out of frustration.  Why am I always so exhausted?  I want to be a good mom and a good wife.  I want to have energy for my family, to serve them and not feel like I'm slogging through mud all the time.  I have a precious family and it felt unfair, not to mention I hate that I struggle to get out of bed in the AM to get them breakfast and off to school.  As I was feeling sorry for myself, God spoke quietly....gently... I almost didn't hear. 

"I want you to train for a half marathon, Diane."  EXCUSE ME??? Did I not just tell you how tired I was?  He only said it once, but I knew it was Him.   This was the last thing I wanted to do right then!  I have never...ever.... felt confident as a runner, struggling to make it 2-3 miles...lungs burning, ears ringing.... not to mention I felt slow and sluggish all the time.  I knew what the biggest problem was, however.  I was afraid of failing.  What if I started training for this half marathon and I couldn't do it?  I would be a failure!  Then I would feel worse if I failed than if I didn't ever do it at all, right??  This fear of failure has been a huge stronghold in my life.  My lifelong motto has been: If there is the slightest possibility for failure, DON'T DO IT!!! 

So, I had a decision to make!  And Praise the Lord I followed His call and not my will.  I'm not trying to "over-spiritualize" this thing.  I do, however, see how it has been a huge turning point in my life!  I chose to trust Him that day and every day after that I got out to run.  I had to choose to not live in fear of failing, but lean on Him and His will for me in all of this.  I was afraid to tell people at first, for fear that I might not actually be able to do it, so then I would be a failure.  I had to grow in being okay with that possibility...stripped down to possibly looking like a failure.  What if I couldn't do it and God allowed that to happen?  Did I hear Him right?  Would I be a failure even if I'm living in obedience to what I thought was a calling of God?  What is failure, anyway?  Who am I allowing to define that for me?  Does God see me as a failure?  All of these questions hounded me through the months after that cold day in December! 

And this is only the journey of running with hope.