Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 19: Are You Running a Marathon Daily?

Pardon my long silence.  These past 10 or so days have been very full and somewhat overwhelming.  As race day quickly approaches, my stomach is in knots....every muscle, tendon, nerve and bone in my body seems to be aching in apprehension.  But there is little I can do now to prepare for next week....or is there?  

I remember in High School and College I used to procrastinate until the last possible moment, then, as the pressure set in, I was able to complete the project or paper or cram for the test.  I did not procrastinate because I was lazy, but rather because I was overwhelmed and didn't know how to start...can I give a shout-out to all of those fellow ADD sufferers.... Somehow, I knew that I could not procrastinate with marathon training!  It has taken almost a year for me to build up the stamina to run 20 miles, which is the longest I've run yet.  I would be insane to "cram" for the marathon next week.  Even though I have stuck to my training and I am prepared as I could ever be....If I went out today and ran 20 or 22 miles I would not be able to finish the race next Saturday.  My body, with only a year of experience, would not be able to handle it.  In fact, these past two weeks have been almost difficult, as the miles have tapered down in my training.  It almost feels wrong to cut back on the miles: how can I be sure that I am ready?  It feels the opposite of most everything else in life.  Next week, before the race, the longest I'm supposed to run is three miles.  This doesn't make sense in my old ways of doing things, but I have to trust the experts and abide by their instruction. 

As I've been thinking about all of this I've realized a few things.....That there is, in fact, A LOT I still need to do to prepare for the race next week, none of which involves running or strength training.  I have to make sure I eat enough of the right calories throughout my week, so that I can build up energy for my body to burn....come race day.  I need to hydrate myself throughout the week, drinking more than usual, not just the day before and the day of.  I have to stretch, to make sure that my muscles are not tied up in knots, which would cause more damage on my joints.  Lastly, I have to rest!  Did you know that your muscles actually rebuild and strengthen during rest

I cannot help but see the spiritual metaphors throughout this experience.  Isn't it true that we are all in a race? This life is a race and sometimes we feel ill-equipped....we're lost.....we're thirsty.....we're hungry....we're tired....we're in dire need of rest.  I have seen the glazed over looks of those in ministry.  I, myself, have experienced the numbness that comes from the giving out of everything I have....emptying myself, but not filling back up.  Some leave ministry because they are bitter, overtired....empty.  Why?

Just like God did not create our bodies to be able to run a marathon daily....Our Spirits cannot endure a daily spiritual marathon.  There are always more good things that we could be doing.  There are so many needs that we could many people that we could minister to....but are we cramming just to cram?  Are we afraid that God is not going to hold up His end of the bargain, so we just "do it all?"  Or maybe we're just prideful in thinking, "if I don't do this, than no one else will."  Or maybe we're just self-seeking and do these things so that people will think highly of us....or we think it will make us more significant.  Just to be completely vulnerable with you...I've lived in all of these camps of thought at least one time or another...or many. 

Whatever the thought process is, there is one thing we have to consider: In order to run this race well, we need to care for our spiritual self!  We need food for our souls...are you "eating" scripture daily, so that you can draw strength from it later?  We need to hydrate....are you drinking deeply from the well of "living water" allowing the Holy Spirit to "hydrate" your spirit with His life?  Are you stretching your muscles....allowing the Spirit of God to work out those things that "knot" you up, hindering you to run freely in His promises....opening you up to confession, then repentance, which means "change of mind."   Lastly, are you resting....breaking away from the noise of this race to spend time alone with the Father....actively listening for His still, small voice....finding peace in His presence.   Even Jesus had to literally break away and hide, to pray and find rest....and He was perfect.  Need I say more?   

The Chinese character for the word BUSY is the same word for annihilation.  Are you annihilating your spirit?  Let the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23 lead you beside quiet waters and make you lie down in green pastures.  Let Him restore your soul.....Then, after your Spiritual "muscles" are strengthened, you can run with confidence, the race that He has set out for you. 

**Please pray for all of those involved with Hope Academy.  Pray that they would find this "rest" in the Lord as they minister day in and day out with these kids and their families.  The staff, board members and volunteers are pouring themselves out in so many ways, pray that they would be filling themselves back up, with the Word and by abiding in God's presence! 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Dianne. Way to put things into perspective. I just said a prayer for the kids of Hope Academy and made a donation in your honor. Good luck to you on Saturday. I hope that you and Marshall have a great weekend!
